Cousin looked at her reflection in the mirror bolted to the wall of her cabin with different eyes. She looked the same as last she looked. Knowledge that the body she wore was not the one she was borne with didn’t bother her. She liked the body of sensation. Everything felt more. She thought of Gabb saying he loved her, and basked in the warmth of the memory. The exhilaration of chasing Kor through the rigging swelled inside her, and sped her heart. Then Kraken’s mouth on hers. Cousin’s sight swam, and she put a hand on the wall, light headed. She laughed.
Kraken loved her. Loved her the way she loved him. She didn’t know all it meant. She would learn.
Cousin listened to the ship. Whispered conversations, and people moving slowly in the dark. No lights burned, and double watch was still in effect. Even with the precautions, maybe because of them, Cousin still felt comfort and belonging. Of all the emotions, she liked those the most. She laid down and fell asleep lulled by the sense of home.
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