When Haven parted from the Le’An ship she had no new crew. Her hold only had a few new crates, her stores only a few extras. Most everything was left for the freed slaves.
The crew celebrated.
Cousin stood aft and watched the diminishing ship.
“Speak up,” Kor said walking up.
“I’ll have to kill them all. I don’t want to.”
Cousin looked at Kor. Her eyes were distant shadows. “Because. . . I don’t know.” She tilted her head to the side. Her long braid almost brushed the deck. “It changes me in ways I don’t like.”
“Listen to me missy. The way you struggle to stay you is the hardest thing I’ve ever watched. From the damaged child to Al’Ri wielder to woman in love, I’ve watched you struggle with yourself. I’ve seen you not use the full extent of your power. Don’t believe you ever will.” Kor put a hand on Cousin’s arm. “But that’s just me.”
“No buts?”
Kor shrugged. “Not everything has hard edges.” He squeezed Cousin’s arm and walked away.
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